How to have a different color for different selections in a matrix table when a choice is selected? | XM Community
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Hello everyone!
This is my first question here in the community 🙂 (It's actually two questions in one, sorry!)
I'm creating a survey and I have a 5-point satisfaction scale. In some questions it's a multiple choice and in some it's a matrix table.
The multiple choice looks like this:
image.pngI'd love that the buttons would change color when you hover over them and then also once you make a selection. I'd want to go on the scale from green (Completely satisfied) over yellow and orange to red (Completely dissatisfied).

The same thing I'd love to implement for the matrix table.
I'd like that after selection, each of the buttons would have different color. In my case it would be Completely satisfied is dark green, Satisfied is green, Fairly satisfied is yellow and so on...
Currently as you see it's just set to dark blue (both the frame and the circle) whatever the choice is selected.
image.pngThe current CSS I have there is following:

/* Buttons */

.Skin label.SingleAnswer,
.Skin label.MultipleAnswer,
.Skin select {
 border-color: #005587;

.Skin .NPS label.SingleAnswer span:after {
 border-color: #FFFFFF;

.Skin label.SingleAnswer.q-checked span,
.Skin label.SingleAnswer.q-checked.q-focused span {
 color: #00aec7 !important;

.Skin label.SingleAnswer.q-checked span:after,
.Skin label.SingleAnswer.q-checked.q-focused span:after {
 background-color: #0085ad !important;
.Skin label.MultipleAnswer.q-checked span,
.Skin label.MultipleAnswer.q-checked.q-focused span {
 color: #00aec7 !important;

/* Multiple Choice */
.Skin #Questions .MC .SingleAnswer,
.Skin #Questions .MC .MultipleAnswer {
  border: 1px solid transparent;

.Skin #Questions .MC .SingleAnswer:hover,
.Skin #Questions .MC .MultipleAnswer:hover {
  border: 1px solid #00205b;

Many thanks for any help you can provide! :-)

You'll basically need to create a complex selector for each colour you want to assign. So something like:

will give you all the radio buttons in the first column of a matrix (It should also work for MC questions in a horizontal layout).
Then you can set the various parameters you want like colour and background etc.

Many thanks ahmedA.
I'm really new to this, so if you don't mind me asking - when you say that I can then set the various parameters like colour, background and so on, would you pls give me an example of how should I proceed with it? Thank you.

So Cascasding Style Sheets (CSS) follow the following format:

selector {property1:value1; property2:value2}

The selector, as the name implies is used to select the element(s) we want to apply the style to. The property:value pair gives us the is the style we want to apply. So, for example:
will apply a red background to all tables on the page.
In the earlier answer, I had given you the selector for each column. So,
will select all radio buttons in column 1,
in column 2 etc.
Now you can define the different styles you want to apply to these columns using the appropriate property:value pairs. Here's a link that lists a few styles related to texts. There are many resources online that you can use to figure out what styles to apply based on your preference.

Thanks one again ahmedA , really appreciate it!

ahmedA :
Thanks to your advice I was able to change this, so now when I hover on the radio buttons they change colour (each column different colour!) so that's pretty awesome already.
I do have two follow up questions if you don't mind me asking:
1) How could I apply the same thing for the whole selection box (what is now grey on the picture)? So that not only the radio buttons but also the whole clickable box would change color on hover?
image.png2) While I was able to change the colours for when :hover, I can't seem to find a solution that would make the buttons stay in the selected color once you click on them. Once clicked, they all go back to the default dark blue that I've selected. Would you perhaps know why is this happening?
Once again many thanks for your help.

  1. td:nth-of-type(1)

  2. td:nth-of-type(1):q-checked

Hello ahmedA
Thank you, I've used this code as per your suggestions

td:nth-of-type(1)>.q-radio.q-checked {

background-color: #6ad801

Which works, when I click on a selection it stays with the color that I wish.
However, when I click on another answer on a question below, it changes back to the original color 😞
image.pngWould you have any idea what can be causing this?

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