How to hide a Block from the Response Summary and Response Summary PDF | XM Community
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Hello Qualtrics Community,

Advanced question for you all. Due to the private nature of some of the information in my survey I am wanting to hide some but not all of the information from the user Response Summary. The Summary that is given to the participants at the end of the survey. We are wanting them to have access to 90% of the information but not the last 10% roughly.

Just curious if there was an easy way to do this with the pipe text or something. Again we are wanting to record the information into the qualtrics data base from within the survey, but not report a small amount of information within the response summary.

Thanks ahead of time!

Hello @williambh ,

One of the way is you can customize the end of survey response summary using custom code.

Other can be you can create a customize EOS message with required values piped in.
Sounds good thanks! I will look into this further!


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