How to hide a question | XM Community
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Hi there,
I have added a custom JS for hiding a multi choice question, please see the below.
but the code is not working for my exact requirement. I need the below options fulfilled.

  1. hide this question

  2. answers need to get select based on the embeded data

  3. this question need to run on a loop

  4. the selected option need to display each time the loop works.

 if("${e://Field/Pursuit%201}") this.setChoiceValue(1,true);
  var that = this.questionId;
var t= "${q://QID38/ChoiceGroup/SelectedChoices}";
jQuery("#"+that+" .Selection").each(function()
jQuery(this).children('inputitype="radio"]').prop("checked", true);

Can someone help me on this.

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