how to hide a scale point for some statements and keep it visible for others in a matrix table? | XM Community
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In the below matrix table, what should be the JS code if I want to keep the last measurement scale (Not Applicable) visible for some statements and hide for other statements?
For e.g., in the below screenshot, I want to hide the last column for 'Age' and 'Ethnicity/Culture' but keep the last column for Disability/Exceptionality'. Is there a code to do that as well?


You can use this JavaScript code to hide certain scale points in a matrix table:
var that = this.questionId;
var row = 2;
var column = 9;
jQuery("#"+that+" .ChoiceRow:eq("+(row-1)+") .c"+(column+3)+"").css({"pointer-events":"none","visibility":"collapse"});

Just change the row and column to the scale point you'd like to hide.

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