How to implement a choice frames | XM Community
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Hi Guys,

I have a survey that needs to ask the participants to split the opinions into two categories, say, "Like", "Not Like".
I find it great to use the "Pick, Group and Rank" on Qualtrics. However, it would be great to customize it.

  1. I set all the choice in "Like" as a default, can it not display the "item" columns on the left? (Or Can I rename "item" to be Like?)

2. Instead of "Drag and Drop", if the subject clicks on an item, then it will goes to the other list?
3. Can we make the first item in the right list not frozen?

Is it possible to do that? Thanks a lot!


For first question use this code: jQuery(".itemsContainerTd ").hide();

rondev Thanks, do you have any idea for the second case?

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