How to import different questions for different participants from txt files? | XM Community

How to import different questions for different participants from txt files?


Hi all,
I am trying to create a questionnaire in which questions change for each participant based on a task they have previously carried out.
More specifically, in a previous task each participant reads different words. The questionnaire would then have to contain only the words seen by the participant (which are saved in a txt file).
Is this possible? I am not familiar with JavaScript but I am willing to learn how to implement it if someone can help me.

Many thanks in advance.

3 replies

Userlevel 5
Badge +15

Oops, sorry for the late response! Yes, for the first part. You just use the little dropdown arrow at the right of a matrix statement and go to Insert Piped Text.
I don't know Pavlovia or Prolific, so I'm not sure about the second piece, which sounds harder. Query strings sound like they would work, as long as you have a place where you will be generating individual links.


Hi ClairJ , thank you for your answer!
I am trying to understand if I can make embedded data work in my case because:

  • I want to show the word list as matrix statements (so there would be only one question and my personalised word list should be a list of statements to which participants answer yes or no) - maybe it's just me being new to all this, but can I embed a list of words and pipe it as different matrix statements?

  • The word list comes from a previous experiment on another platform (Pavlovia), and I won't have to add my participants as contacts because they will be recruited through Prolific - so I am trying to understand how to pass the word list from Pavlovia to Qualtrics (I guess through query string?)

Userlevel 5
Badge +15

Hi SaraCal maybe I'm not fully understanding what you're trying to do, but I think this could be accomplished using embedded data. You would just import the words with your participants when you add them as contacts, and then set up display logic based on the words, or simply embed them into the question text.

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