How to make this survey display in a more friendly way? | XM Community
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I want to let the question and all response choices display in the same area without any scrolls or sliders underneath. But how should I do ... I have tried some codes in the search outcomes like:

.Skin .SkinInner {min-width: 1200px!important;}

But unfortunately, this only changes the position of the whole display area, and the slider holds. This gonna make me crazy! Help...

Hi @BoW -- honestly, you have a lot of question elements and response choices, which is going to make it harder for respondents. Here are two things I would consider:

1. Break the question into at least two blocks. You're asking respondents to evaluate 11 separate parameters, which is a lot. If you break it into two questions, you're asking them to consider five or six options at a time, which is a lot easier.

2. Also consider reducing your Likert scale (at least that's what it looks like) to five points from seven. You still have the benefit of a central measure, but the layout is less complicated.

I hope this helps!

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