How to prepopulate survey with contact details | XM Community
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I have a contact list uploaded
I need to show contextual info in the survey question
I setup embedded data at first point in the survey flow with fields from contacts' embedded data
In one of the question i then piped in the contacts embedded data e.g. phoneNumber
How do i then test that it work? i try using distribute personalised link but the csv downloaded contains no link , only have column headers

You can test the survey by either creating a test contact list that exactly mimics the structure of the real one and distributing to that list then use those links. By using the links created by a distribution list it will reference those contacts' info and populate the contextual fields.
The other way to test this is by hand creating a Preview URL and just pasting it into the browser. The format for this is found here:
Follow the above info for how to pass embedded data through a URL, however, use the Preview link to the survey as your Base URL. You can reload that as many times as you need to for testing and tweaking.

thanks will have a look

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