How to prevent use of predictive text? | XM Community
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I want to design a survey that I can use to administer a spelling test. I’ll upload an audio file for each question, and then after participants listen to it, they type the word they heard in a text entry question.

The problem is that many participants likely have text prediction/spell check as an automatic feature of their computer, or may have installed programs such as Grammarly. Is there any way to change settings for a question that would prevent text prediction from being used? I’d prefer not to rely on asking respondents to turn off text prediction themselves.

@Kate23104 Well, it’s difficult to block all extensions. But you can disable basic spellchecks, autocompletes using below JS. 

This will also remove Grammarly elements, additionally since Grammarly keeps changing their attributes try adding the CSS as well.


/*Place your JavaScript here to run when the page loads*/
jQuery("#" + this.questionId + " .InputText").prop({
'autocomplete': 'off',
'spellcheck': false,
'data-gramm': false,
'data-gramm_editor': false,
'data-enable-grammarly': false


ocontenteditable] ~ grammarly-extension,
input ~ grammarly-extension,
textarea ~ grammarly-extension {
display: none;

Hope it helps!

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