How to randomly select a word from a list for each question | XM Community
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Hello everyone!
I am having a bit of trouble figuring out how to use the survey flow or how to use a specific code to create my study. The study must insert a random word from a list in each question. For each question, it should choose a word from that list and then remove the word from the options - so each question should have a different word, randomly chosen. Since there are 14 words, each one of the 14 words should only be shown 1 time per block.
For example, let's say my word list was consisted of [book, donut, food] and my questions were:
1. The [x] sat down.
2. Sarah saw the [x].
3. I ate the [x].
I want to randomly but equally insert one of the words into each of the sentences, making sure that there aren't any repeats within each participant.
I found a code that I thought would help in another community post, but it did not seem to work ( I think any help on how to get started with this task would be great. Thanks!

see here

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