How to record data in hidden question | XM Community
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I would like to know how to automatically capture or record the answers provided in Question 1 (Q1) and transfer them to Question 2 (Q2), which is currently a hidden question.


In Q1, respondents are asked to input their age using a text entry field.


In Q2, I aim to categorize age groups based on the input from Q1, and make Q2 a hidden question.



@hachiware10 Add this JS to your Q2

var Q1 = '${q://QID1/ChoiceTextEntryValue}';
if ( Q1<= 17){
if ( Q1 >= 18 && Q1 <= 19){
if ( Q1 >= 20 && Q1 <= 24){

<<Complete the rest........


Change QID of Q1 according to yours and complete the rest of the code. Hope this helps

Thank you @dxconnamnguyen !

@hachiware10 Glad to help 😊

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