How to remove ranking from drag-and-drop question type in output | XM Community
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A couple of people have asked this question before and a solution was provided:

jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .rank").hide();

However this only seems to remove the ranking from the survey interface. The output still shows the data as a ranked. Is there a way to remove this?

Also, is there a way to put the drag-and-drop items in separate columns or rows in the output? They are currently all separated by a comma in one cell.



Hi @RachAsh,
I would be very surprised if you could remove the ranking completely. With JS you only can make changes to how questions appear on screen, not how they behave behind the curtain. 

Is there a reason why you can’t just ignore the ranking in your results?


As for the output:
Do you mean the export to e.g. Excel?

If so, there’s an option for this.


@RachAsh - It seems you should have used a Matrix/Likert/Drag and Drop question instead of a Pick, group, and rank question. 

@TomG Thank for your help. A simple drag and drop question would be perfect but that doesn’t seem to be an option I can select. The matrix/likert won’t work in terms of the output and they just give numeric values in the output but I need the items listed in words.

Ditto to you too @ManfredBM thanks for your reply! Ah good to know re the functions of JS. I basically need the consumers to be restricted in the items they pick (hence the pre-selected items) and the output to have the words/items listed. So really the ranking element is irrelevant and adds unnecessary columns to the output.

Yep I’m exporting to Excel and I didn’t even think to look in the ‘more options’ section for this - great shout, thanks!


For a Likert Matrix ‘Drag and drop’ is an option under ‘Answer type’.  The resulting response data is the equivalent of a ‘Pick, group, and rank’ without the ranks.  Like all non-text entry questions, the data can be exported to Excel as numeric values (i.e., recodes) or choice text.

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