How to return to 'lobby' Question | XM Community
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Hello everyone,

I am struggling with the following issue and would be highly grateful for your support. In essence, I am trying to design a 'circular survey'.

So, this is what I have and works:

– A Q1 (separate block) providing four alternatives, which I have called the 'lobby question'.

– Based on the alternative a participant selects, I redirect to one of four corresponding 2nd Qs (currently all in a different block).

– Once participants have responded, I show a Q3 (own block), e.g. "Would you be willing to respond to another alternative?" – so one of the other remaining 2nd Qs.

But now, here is what I need (and doesn't work):

– If participants select 'Yes' to Q3, I would like to redirect them to Q1 (lobby question). Q1 should only display the alternatives to which participants have not yet responded.

– This process should be repeatable until responses to all four alternatives have been given.

– Naturally, if participants select 'No' to Q3, or have provided all responses, they will receive an end of survey message.

I'm really unsure if I need to use branches, or display logic or Java (which I am no good at)... Any tips and tricks would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks in advance,

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