How to run a randomized segment twice? | XM Community
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Hello fellow Qualtrics users!
I am new to Qualtrics and have been puzzled for the past week with a problem with which I cannot find a solution. Here it is:
I need my participants to first be randomized between 4 brands (Nike, Adidas, Pepsi, and Coca-Cola). Then, once a participant is within a brand, I need them to be randomized to a stimulus, i.e. In the case of Nike, it would be Nike_1, Nike_2, Nike_3, or Nike_49. Same goes for the remaining brands. In the end, with my 28 participants, I need 8 observations per participants, so I can end-up with 14 observations per conditions.
What I have made so far works fine but it only give me 4 observations per participant, rather than 8. I can't find how to run the randomized segment twice so that I end-up with 8 observations rather than 4. In other words, I need to run the top randomizer segments twice.
I tried setting the "randomly present 2 of the following elements" within each of the sub brand group, but then participants would be exposed to the same brand twice in a row, which I don't want. I need them to be exposed to each brand successively, then run the randomized segment again so that we can keep up with the group count.
My randomized segment looks like this:
Qualtrics Survey Flow.png

I would appreciate any feedback as to how to modify the randomized segment so I can run it twice.

Thank you!

Why not have everything in blocks, not groups, so the initial randomizer would be present 2 from the 4 block brand options and then within each block brand have the randomizer show 1 of the blocks?

Do not do what you are planning to do, unless you can manage it through Loop and Merge.
If a block is presented twice to a participant, only their last answer will be recorded.

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