How to set up custom opt out link in Qualtrics emailer | XM Community
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In the Qualtrics emailer, the opt out link is accepted in a certain format – ${l://OptOutLink?d=opt%20out%20link} or ${l://OptOutURL}&OptOut=dir. If we use these links then opt-in and opt-out information of a user goes to Qualtrics and not Eloqua which is our own email system.
We want to use custom opt out link in Qualtrics mailer so that the opt-in and opt-out information flows into Eloqua keeping it as the single source of information for our organization. Therefore, we tried the below method:
 If you no longer want to receive information from BlackRock, please click style="color: #ffffff;" target="_blank">here.
The above did not work for us. Does anyone know how can I make this custom opt out link work in Qualtrics mailer

Your own opt-out link would be:
If you no longer want to receive information from BlackRock, please click here.
The Qualtrics opt-out link has to remain in the message. You can modify the wording to be clearer about the difference between the different opt-out links. You can also hide the Qualtrics opt-out with html but it won't be hidden in all email clients.

A couple of follow-up questions:
1) Why does the Qualtrics opt-out link have to be in the message? Is that a legal requirement?
2) Does Qualtrics handle the generation of their opt-out link differently than the survey link? I've got an issue where I've used identical HTML code to create "buttons" for the survey and opt-out links. The survey link generates as expected, but the opt-out link doesn't appear to populate. Qualtrics support seemed stumped and suggested I ask the Community.

1) Why does the Qualtrics opt-out link have to be in the message? Is that a legal requirement?

Yes, I believe it is. Even if it isn't, it is common courtesy, and would reflect badly on Qualtrics if users didn't include it.
2) Does Qualtrics handle the generation of their opt-out link differently than the survey link? I've got an issue where I've used identical HTML code to create "buttons" for the survey and opt-out links. The survey link generates as expected, but the opt-out link doesn't appear to populate. Qualtrics support seemed stumped and suggested I ask the Community.

Hard to tell without seeing the actual html.

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