How to shorten the space before a footnote | XM Community
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I added a footnote I found in another discussion, but I was wondering how I can shorten the space between the footnote and the descriptive text above it (in the same Q).
This is the javascript I found (with my footnote it it):
 jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" div.QuestionBody").after('

1RI defined as socially responsible investment (SRI), environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) integration, Impact investing, sustainable investing, or climate change focused investing.

And this is how it looks:
image.pngI'd like to move the footnote up so it's closer to the descriptive text. Thanks!

Use the Inspect feature of your browser to figure out what element the space is coming from (probably margin or padding on a div above your footnote). Modify your JavaScript to reduce the margin/padding associated with that element.

I never really knew what to use that feature for. I was able to pinpoint it, but not really sure how I fixed it. In the javascript I changed after to before (without really knowing what that means). Anyways, it moved up, so I'm happy.
Thank you TomG!

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