How to show multiple carried forward items belonging to a group as once choice? | XM Community
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Hello Community,

I had asked this question earlier but didn't receive any response, so asking this again. I have tried to make the question simpler. A response will be very helpful.

I have a multiple choice question (Q1) where I have 7 answer choices.

1. Hibiscus

2. Rose

3. Sunflower

4. Leaves

5. Stem

6. Root

7. Trunk

Answers selected in Q1 get carried forward in a later question, Q2 (which is a matrix question). Three of the answer choices (1. Hibiscus, 2. Rose and 3. Sunflower) are under the same group called "Flowers".


1. Hibiscus

2. Rose

3. Sunflower

4. Leaves

5. Stem

6. Root

7. Trunk

These 3 answer choices belonging to the group "Flowers" will be carried forward and be represented by text "Flowers" in Q2. Other answer choices like Leaves, Stem etc will be carried forward as Leaves and Stem only. I have already programmed that.

So, if respondent selects 1. Hibiscus, 3. Sunflower and 4. Leaves, these selections will be carried forward as 1. Flowers, 2. Flowers and 3. Leaves in Q2.

But I want "Flowers" option in Q2 to be shown only once even if the respondent has selected more than one flowers in Q1. How do I do that?


So you really only want to carry forward the group names it seems. How are you pulling the group names forward currently? Can you share a copy of the survey for us to inspect?
@"w.patrick.gale" : Thanks. I am pulling the choice text forward, by using the following code in the html answer option:

<span class="choiceText">Flowers</span><span class="pipeText"> Hibiscus</span>

<span class="choiceText">Flowers</span><span class="pipeText"> Rose</span>

<span class="choiceText">Flowers</span><span class="pipeText"> Sunflower</span>

What I want is, if the respondent selects more than one Flowers option in Q1, it should only show as "Flowers" one time in Q2,. How do I do that?


@"w.patrick.gale" I forgot to mention, I will not be able to share the survey due to proprietary reasons.

I copy pasted the html code in my previous response, but it doesn't show the code itself. Here is my html code again for pulling the choice text and the piped text:

span class="choiceText">Flowers</span><span class="pipeText"> Hibiscus</span

span class="choiceText">Flowers</span><span class="pipeText"> Rose</span

span class="choiceText">Flowers</span><span class="pipeText"> Sunflower</span

What I want is, if the respondent selects more than one Flowers option in Q1, it should only show as "Flowers" one time in Q2,. How do I do that?
Sorry that doesn't help since I can't see the code.
@"w.patrick.gale" , I copied the code that I used for choice text and piped text. Other than that please let me know which code did you want to see.

Use display logic instead of carry forward on your 2nd question. The "Flowers" choice would be displayed if any flower selected in the 1st question. The other choices would be displayed if their corresponding choice was selected in the 1st question.
@TomG , Thanks. It worked perfectly!

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