How to show random popups only before certain questions? | XM Community
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Hello everyone! I’m trying to design a survey and need some help if possible.

I have a total of 15 ads in image format, divided into two groups (A, 😎. Group A is composed of 10 ads, and Group B is composed of 5 ads. I want participants to rate all the ads on a scale, and the ads have to be shown in a randomized way.

The problem I'm facing is that I need a warning popup to appear before 5 of the 10 ads in Group A. The ads before which the popup appears have to be randomized as well so that every ad among the 10 in Group A has an equal 50% chance of being shown with or without a popup.

Do you have any suggestions on how to achieve this? I've used popups before, embedding them in the HTML of the ads I was interested in, but those never changed (I always showed a popup before the same ads). Now, it seems I should create two versions of the same ads in Group A, but if I did my math right, I should end up with 252 different combinations of questions.

Another idea I thought of is having the popup as a question and making it appear randomly 5 times. The challenge is ensuring that the popup question never appears before the Group B ads, or twice in a row.

Any help is much appreciated.

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