How to show slider value inside the slider thumb? | XM Community
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I am implementing sliders with some questions in Qualtrics and I need to show the value of the custom start position. However, I need to do it in a very specific way:

a) Ideally, I need to show (a.1) the value of the custom start position inside the slider thumb (a.2) preceded by “£” in one case and followed by “min” in another?


b) A less suitable solution would be to show (b.1) the value of the custom start position inside the slider tooltip and (b.2) have the tooltip always displayed (no hide the tooltip at any time) and (b.3) preceded by “£” or followed by “min”.

Moreover, I would like to know how I can increase the size or modify the font within the slider thumb or the slider tooltip?

Thank you very much. I would appreciate your help.
Hello @Ariel_BQ,

I have a similar question to your, just much simpler - I only need to show the value of the Custom Start Position on top of the slider handle. Can you help me with some advice? Thanks a lot!

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