How to time how long a question is displayed WITHOUT using a timing question? | XM Community
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For the project that I am doing, I have set up a question where clicking on a choice brings up a corresponding question using in page display logic (so the questions are within the same block). The question that is brought up only after selecting a choice will have a long body of text, and for the purposes of the project I need to know how long those questions are displayed individually. This is because my expectation is that the survey takers will read through more than one long text question.
The timing question does not satisfy this requirement because it does not measure each display question individually, but instead measures the original question that bring up the other questions.
I have already tried adding page breaks in between the questions I need to measure time, but this does not work because I need survey takers to be able to select and display another question. Can I add a way to measure how long a specific question is displayed using Javascript?

Is this not a duplicate of ?

It is, I had just not received a response to the other one. Thank you so much!

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