How to use custom CSS as a class | XM Community
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I have created this CSS:

/*creates white box with fill options*/

.whitebox {

width: 100%; min-height: 160px;

padding: 5px; margin: auto; text-align: center;

background-color: #ff8800; color: #ffffff;


.quickcheckfill {

background-color: #ffc81e;

color: #ffffff;



I am trying to apply as a class:

<div class="whitebox quickcheckfill">

It doesn't work. Have I got something wrong?
May need some more context for the issue, but upon first glance it could be the comment you have above your CSS (assuming it's actually in with your custom CSS).

You are missing the asterisks (*) from the comment, so it should be as follows:

`/*creates white box with fill options*/`
Thank you for looking. The asterix are there in the custom CSS - they have not shown up in my query for some reason.

Could you say what context I would need to apply or how I could find out?


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