How to use Field 2 in loop&merge setting to label experimental conditions? | XM Community
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Hi there,
I am designing a repeated measures experiment with Qualtrics. The experimental stimuli created out of 4 conditions are evenly distributed to different blocks. The experimental stimuli with varying conditions in each block are set up using loop & merge function. The questions with different conditions for each block are piped into Field 1. I intend to label the condition for each sentence in Field 2 with the aim of making Qualtrics capture the response to each sentence plus the condition that each sentence is assigned to from participants. Without condition labeled, it wold be harder to process data collected. After testing the experiment, I got the response to each sentence but no condition to each sentence from the exported data sheet. How could I fix it if this setting is not working? should I resort to any Javascript coding to achieve this?
I attach some screenshot for demo. Any help is greatly appreciated!

Screen Shot 2020-10-22 at 5.00.54 PM.pngScreen Shot 2020-10-22 at 5.03.09 PM.png

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