How to validate answer by its total? | XM Community
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Hello I need to find a way to use the total for each constant sum column as a validation all the way through the questionnaire. For example I have a question regarding spending budget for every Q and the total needs to be exaclty the same in the following questions since this budget will be borken down in different entries. The ideal is that the respondent can not continue when it total doesn't match with the one reported in this question.
Captura de pantalla 2021-03-02 174814.png

You can use embedded data within custom validation. Just paste it in:

Thank you! Where can I see the embedded data I need to paste in the validation? Also, do I need to do it for both columns?

You need to create it. Read up the support pages on Qualtrics Embedded Data.
Alternatively, you can also implement it through JS. See this demo.

Thank you I will look into it!

Hello I tried using the embedded data but didn't suceed. Is it posible to use the coinjoint of each column as a validation? In other words, if the total of their sum in 2019 is 4, in the following question their total needs to be 4 in order to continue. If it doesn't add up, the platform won't let them continue until their total is the same (4) as the one previously reported.

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