Hyperlinked Email Address | XM Community
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When building a survey, any URL can be set up to open in a separate window. However, the same does not seem to be too straightforward with emails that are hyperlinked. It seems that, perhaps, it is an automatic Qualtrics function that, any emails, should open on the respondent’s default email app. However, when it is the case that an individual does not have a default email app, the hyperlinked email address opens on the same page of the survey and not on a separate window. 

Is there a way to make these hyperlinked email addresses open on a new window for those without a default email app on their devise to avoid disrupting the page they are on?

Did you use <a href="mailto:emailid"> and target="_blank" prop in your html code instead of Qualtrics email. Please refer below syntax and it if not done yet


<a href="mailto:name@email.com" target="_blank">email</a>


It worked, thank you so much!

It worked, thank you so much!

Great, please mark your query as solved if above solution worked. It will help to others too. Thanks!!

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