I would like to use imported data in a survey. Is it possible to select and show one observation? | XM Community
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I am able to import data from an old survey to a new one, but I am not sure how to set up the next steps. This is the objective:

1. ask if the property was interviewed last year. If yes, go to next question

2. select the id number for the property from a drop-down list

3. if property number selected =propeorty number in the survey show the name and address of the property interviewed last year.

Does anyone know how to go about steps 2 & 3? Do I need to code this using javascript or is there something canned in Qualtrics?
Hello @jill_caviglia_harris ,

1. You need to store the data of last year in a contact list, with id number in external data reference.

2. Add the authenticator in the survey with check on external data reference

3. Once authenticated you can pull the data for respective property id.
Thanks Shasi. Nice to hear from you again. I have been looking over the authenticator documentation and think this is exactly what I need, but have a few questions before I begin testing this out:

Does my contact list have to be in the same format and include all the same variables as the full survey? The import command requires that the imported data include all the same variables (or questions as the survey), but think looks to be different. Am I correct that my contact list is treated as a separate database and therefore needs to have the same unique identifier but that it can include fewer and different variables than are included in the main survey?
I am continuing to experiment with the authenticator, but have some hang-ups. As I understand this, I need to link the authenticator to a contacts list. Is this correct? I have created a csv file with the information I need and get an error when uploading this file "The following fields are missing: Email" when the field "Email" is clearly in the file. I will post this as a new question but want to make sure that I can use the authenticator in this way. My contacts do not have email addresses. I can make up fake addresses as long as I can authenticate on a different field (the property number)
> @jill_caviglia_harris said:

> I am continuing to experiment with the authenticator, but have some hang-ups. As I understand this, I need to link the authenticator to a contacts list. Is this correct? I have created a csv file with the information I need and get an error when uploading this file "The following fields are missing: Email" when the field "Email" is clearly in the file. I will post this as a new question but want to make sure that I can use the authenticator in this way. My contacts do not have email addresses. I can make up fake addresses as long as I can authenticate on a different field (the property number)

Yes you can put fake email address but you can authenticate only on email and external data reference so make sure you keep property id in external data reference.

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