Images in answer block and not presenting the same L&M image twice | XM Community
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I am trying to create a 4AFC study with images, but I am running into two problems. I uploaded a test image below.

  1. As you can see, the images are displayed above the answers. I would like the images to be inside the answers, while using the loop and merge function. So the participants will only have to click on the image they prefer.
  1. I want to randomise my loop and merge order, so that each participant sees a unique combination of images in their questions. I do not, however, want a participant to see the same image twice. This is causing me some problems, since I am not a good programmer and do not know how to solve this issue. 

Any tips/advice would be greatly appreciated !


if image combination is fixed then

  • Pipe the 4 img tag <img> with image url under loop and merge 4 different fields and pipe those fields in your answer options. you will get the respective images in answer option button.

If image combination is not fixed.

  • instead of loop and merge create respective number of blocks and pick 4 images through randomizer. Save those image under embedded field and pipe those embedded field in your answer list. I know it sounds tricky but you will need to play with your randomizer option in survey flow.

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