Images in Preview don't load for Chrome and Edge | XM Community
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Hi all,
We're preparing a number of items with images (all around .5 MB) in .jpg format. We are finding that the images often will not load when using Chrome or Edge, when we preview the items. They seem to load fine in Firefox.
Does anyone have any experience with this problem, or better yet, know any solutions?

Hi all - as an update:
We've found that sometimes the pages won't load correctly in Firefox, although this seems to be less common. Further often the "next" button will be grayed out on this page (it's unclear if this is connected to the images problem).
Is this an issue with showing too many images on a page? We have perhaps around 20 images loading in some cases.

Hey JeffD ,
Would you be willing to share a Preview Survey Link with the affected images on the first page of the survey?

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