In text IQ is there a way to search for when only one word appear and no other words | XM Community
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Regardless of how many times we tell people to leave a field blank if they have nothing to add they continue to write in "No" which is also found in other comments along with other words. Is there a way to add a category for when someone only says the word no instead of the category picking up other sentences that have the word "no" along with other words?

TextiQ doesnt have the feature yet to just filter only the word mentioned and nothing along.
LaurenK TomG - expert advice needed here.

This may not meet your needs, but you could remove "no" answers when when they click the next button.
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.addOnPageSubmit(function(button) {
    if(button=="next") {
        var regex = RegExp("^(no|none|na|n\\/a)$","i");      
        jQuery("#"+this.questionId+" .InputText").each(function() {
if(regex.test(this.value.trim())) this.value = "";
The above would work on single or form text entry questions.

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