In the slider question, how can I set a limit that summation of my responses does not go over 100%? | XM Community
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Hi. I am a relative newcomer regarding both HTML and JavaScript. For example in this slider question, how can I set a limit that summation of my responses does not go over 100%? (I tried that math operation, but it does not work!)

Q8- "Approximately, what percentage of your caseload is in the following categories of socioeconomic status?"

Low------> is equal to -----> $e{ 100 - ( q://QID8/ChoiceNumericEntryValue/2 + q://QID8/ChoiceNumericEntryValue/3 ) }

Middle---> is equal to ------>$e{ 100 - ( q://QID8/ChoiceNumericEntryValue/1 + q://QID8/ChoiceNumericEntryValue/3 ) }

High-----> is equal to ------> $e{ 100 - ( q://QID8/ChoiceNumericEntryValue/1 + q://QID8/ChoiceNumericEntryValue/2 ) }

I appriciate your help.

Hello @Pooriaaaa ,

Please follow this post

Also you don't need to check on all the options, if you check only 'high' option then it will work.

See the QSF file in the above page

Thank you for your help. I used that post, but I still have that problem. Using that formula, I need to put all my three options to 100 to go to the next question!!!

Use a Constant Sum Slider type question with Must Total 100.

Thank you for your answer. But I don't want to pay for upgrade version!
> @Pooriaaaa said:

> Thank you for your answer. But I don't want to pay for upgrade version!

Your license doesn't include Constant Sum? That is unusual.
It's on my Specialty Questions and I need to upgrade to use it!

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