Insert Qualtrics survey question to Marketo and be able to track the respondents | XM Community
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Hi everyone. I would like to insert a Qualtrics survey question (text entry or star rating question) to Marketo newsletter/email. I have read here that this is possible by copying the HTML codes from the inline question. However, text entry and star rating questions are not compatible with inline question setup. Do you have any solution for this? And is there any way to capture the data to track the respondents who answered the question?
Also, just thinking if it's possible to insert an "embedded feedback" intercept in a Marketo email?
Thanks in advance!

I do not have answers for your questions, but I wanted to chime in to say I would also be interested in this. I am thinking that "embedded feedback" may be difficult (or unreliable at best) in email, given the variety of clients and lack of standards for interactive elements.
As you mentioned, the documentation on inline emails is clear on which types of questions are supported: only single-answer multiple choice and NPS. It would be great if support for more questions could be added in the future!

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