inserting text & questions above and below embedded webpage | XM Community
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I used the following code to embed an interactive webpage into my survey:
This works really well, however I want to be able to add some static content (descriptive text) above this embedded webpage AND a survey question below it. Because of #Header, when I insert descriptive text, Qualtrics places it BELOW the embedded webpage, instead of above it. I have tried switching #Header to #Footer, however then the webpage is off center, does not take up the full screen, and I can't add a survey question or text below the embedded webpage.
Any idea how to have it look like:

  • descriptive text

  • embedded webpage: jQuery("#Header").html('');

  • more descriptive text & a survey question

Thank you!

Are you looking for something like this:

VERY similar!! It doesn't need to be pinned as the user scrolls, so just switching from "sticky" to "static" will work I presume?
Thanks so so so much!

To explain better I am attaching screenshots!
The first screenshot shows the embedded webpage. I would like to be able to input images at the top before the embedded web page, however when I try to insert a graphic it places it below the embedded web page, not above. Any clue how to fix this? Again the embedded web page is placed in the header and moving it to the footer doesn't do anything except make the embedded web page off center and smaller, which I don't want.
The second screenshot shows what you see when you scroll down -- the rest of the embedded web page and a survey question. Because the embedded web page is set in the header and is set to full screen, this seems to force the rest of the items on the page (like the follow up question) to be full screen as shown in the screenshots. I am not sure how to get the question to be "normal" sized.

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