Integrating nested conditional logic in custom validation for side-by-side question type | XM Community
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Hello! We have a side-by-side question type which has a series of 12 rows and 3 column answers with dropdowns for each row, where the last 3 rows are Other/specify text entry. We would like to create some validation to do the following:

1. ensure that for Rows a-i (fixed response), a response is selected for each of the 3 columns

2. ensure that if there is a text entry in Rows j-l (Other/specify), then there is also a response selected for each of the columns

3. ensure that if there is a response selected in any of the 3 columns, then there is a written response provided in the corresponding Other/specify row


We would like to use nested conditional logic but the Custom Validation feature for side-by-side question types does not allow for nested conditional logic. Do any in the community know if there is a workaround or integration that can be used to achieve the same effect? Have others in the community been successful using Javascript to achieve a similar result? Many thanks in advance for any tips, code snips, etc.!
Boy, do I have an answer for you. But it comes at a great price - you're going to hate it.

A while back I solved an almost identical problem. My rules were slightly different. I am not going to elaborate on them as you will very easily find out what they are by either having a go at the survey (link below) or by looking at the attached .qsf

The whole trick is by using, as you said, nested logic within the Custom Validation option:


Just click on any of my questions and browse through the Custom Validation logic.

Yes, it does take a long time and yes, it is annoying and yes, mistakes do happen.

Good luck!

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