Is it possible to adjust the width and spacing of login fields in an Authenticator? | XM Community
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Looking for a way to customize the formatting of our Authenticator. Specifically, the width of the labels (1) and the height of the spacing between the fields (2):
Login2.pngWe're looking to make the labels wider and the space between them greater.

This is not possible in the authenticator. Instead, you can add a text entry/form question and then pipe values from that question to an embedded field and prefill the authenticator with this embedded field.

I think it's not possible. But you can give it a try. Just google it and you may find any solution black clover.

Turns out it is possible. I modified some code I'm using, to auto-convert text entry on the authenticator to uppercase, to set the formatting of the authenticator form fields:
jQuery('div[id^="Authenticator"] .InputText').parent().css({"padding":"30px","width":"60%"});
I have this in