Is it possible to have an image capture question with study participant using phone camera to enter? | XM Community
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Hi, I have designed a research project which needs the participant to enter photos direct from their cameraphone as the answer to six of the questions in the survey. I have seen that this "image capture" type of question is possible on other platforms (harvest my data as an example) but not sure if qualtrics offers this function. Ideally, I do not want users to have to seek out a photo/file on their phone, but would like the user friendly - 'take a photo of x' 'are you happy with this/retake?' 'submit'
Does anyone know if this is possible? Thanks

You can use camera tag for this.

Thanks Ahmed, I will test this and see if it works for my study. Cheers, Neil

i have the same issue, how do you did it please.

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