Is it possible to modify a Constant Sum to open the Numeric Keyboard | XM Community
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I see some posts here related to Constant Sum related piping values or changing the allowed input values but I have another question.

Is it possible to control which keyboard shows up on mobile devices when inputting Constant Sum responses?

Currently, the full keyboard opens up but it sure would make things easier for my users if the numeric keyboard could be displayed.


I see some posts here related to Constant Sum related piping values or changing the allowed input values but I have another question.

Is it possible to control which keyboard shows up on mobile devices when inputting Constant Sum responses?

Currently, the full keyboard opens up but it sure would make things easier for my users if the numeric keyboard could be displayed.

Hi @GregEPorter I think mobile keyboard behavior is ultimately determined by the device and browser, and it may not always be possible to control it precisely as desired within a survey platform like Qualtrics.

Ok, thanks, @Nam Nguyen . I was thinkin’ that might be the case but I wanted to check. 

I thought there were some libraries around like the TextInput in React. Granted, that’s React but, I thought maybe it would be possible to do some JS gymnastics in the onload to set the type as Numeric.


Edit: quick side note, really well done with the quick response. I’ve been wrestling with some other frameworks and teams where I might get a response; it was a really pleasant surprise to see the notification of your post. Thank you!

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