Is it possible to place 'Live Results' from just the respondent in the middle of the survey? | XM Community
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In my survey participants have to rank ideas according to their creativity (originality/usefulness) level and are supposed to be presented with the outcome of their ranking (e.g. first 5 top ranked ideas). Therefore, display of live results should be somewhere in the middle of the survey, so they can answer questions afterwards about if they were surprised etc. (face validity). Is that even possible.. if yes, how? So far I was only able to find the option to display live results at the end of a survey.
Thanks a lot in advance if anybody is eager/able to help!

I think I understand. you can embed data in a Question Text using the Rich Content Editor (embedded data), and that embedded data can be the response to previous questions. You can get pretty elaborate. Is that what you mean?

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