Is it possible to pre populate the rows in a side-by-side question from embedded data? | XM Community
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I have a survey where I wish to pre populate information from another survey using embedded data from a contact list. I am using a side-by-side format for several of my questions. Similar to the carry-forward feature where the rows in a side-by-side will pre populate based on selections made in a previous question, is it possible to have your side-by-side carry forward embedded data as its rows?
For context, my rows are counties and in the previous survey respondents selected one or more counties. I have an embedded data field that includes a text entry containing all the counties they selected. For example, if the embedded data for a particular respondent is "County1 County4 County5", I want it so that in the side by side question, they will see three rows matching these three selections.
I'm new to Qualtrics, appreciate any help.

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