Is it possible to switch from boxed labels to radio buttons for 1 question | XM Community
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I have 1 question that is multiple choice with text entry options and I prefer the look of the radio buttons for this question. I want to keep the theme I am using and the boxed labels for other questions. Does anyone know if this is possible?
Hi @uhrxx005

Would you like to do something like this?

Can you please share the screen-shot? what you currently see and what you like to have?
It has to do with the theme I am using. The theme I am using only allows "boxed labels" for multiple choice questions (see screenshot).!

Instead, I would like to just have the radio buttons appear for some of these questions, while still keeping the boxed label theme in use.
Hi @uhrxx005 ,

This is achievable by creating new radio button using custom code and adding its action to the qualtrics radio button using JS.

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