Is there a way to display certain response options differently than the rest? | XM Community
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I would like to display response answer choices, 'Don't know', 'Please skip' and 'Does not apply' differently than the rest of the response options. I do not mean switching the format of the question, but I would like them further out to the side (bigger space between them and the other response options, for example). I would like this done for every type of question format. Is there any way to do this? My goal is to try and guide participants away from these responses, but I still want to provide them with these options. Thank you!


Based on your question type try below links script:



I've looked at many variations (and corrections) for this type of script but nothing seems to be working when I put it into the question.  It might be that I am not very familiar with qualtrics or javascript, but it seems to change nothing for the display of my response options. Do you have any recommendations on how I can solve this?

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