Is there a way to generate Regex code for a complicated quota? | XM Community
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I have a bit of a complicated set up:
We are conducted a 2-way SMS survey via access code. To allow for multiple languages, I am using branch logic, so except for the first "what language do you prefer" question, there are 6 different versions of the same question.
I have already incorporated quotas for gender, age group and race/ethnicity (where each quota is individually built based on the answer to a possible 6 different versions of the same question).

What I would like, is to add one more quota based on a question asking for their zip code. There are 313 possible zip codes. Multiplied by 6 language versions, that's 1878 individual lines of logic for this quota.
Is there a way I can code this externally and copy and paste it into "matches regex" or something similar?

Any help is appreciated, thanks!

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