Is there a way to reference a list in the Library that has 10k rows? | XM Community
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Is there a way to reference a list in the Library that has 10k rows?


Without creating a TON of branches/conditions/display logic, is there a way to leverage a list in the library to display options based on a previous answer?


Q1 - What is the name of the Account Owner?

_* This is a drop down question with 600 options _

Q2 - What account did you visit?

_* This is a drop down question that would display the account associated to the account owner in the spreadsheet in the library. As of this moment there are almost 12,000 accounts. _

The reason I am trying to provide a drop down list for the account name is so that I can map the response back to SF (free text entry allows errors/inconsistent responses). I have been able to create a drop down list of 8k, but it bogs down the system and is a ton for the user to search. Each Account Owner has 10-20 accounts, if I could display only the accounts that the selected account owners has, the UX would be much better and I would still be able to map the responses.


Are you uploading two separate CSV files for this or just one? If you have one CSV file where column A is the name of the Account Owner (repeated once for each account) and column B has the accounts (listed only beside the correct account owner) then you should be able to use a drill-down that limits the accounts to those mapped to the selected owner. I've attached an abbreviated example.
If I remember correctly, a drill-down question is limited to 10,000 rows, which rules it out since you'll have 12,000. Also, the drop-downs aren't searchable.

I would store the account list in an external database, and use select2 and ajax to populate the select2 searchable drop-down.
@VirginiaM this would work but I have over 10,000 cells (max allowed for drill down). I have 9,500 account that have an account owner so that puts me at 19k cells. I suppose I could group it alphabetically to work around the 10k max but now I need to see if a drill down question will map back to Salesforce.

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