Is there a way to tab down columns not across rows | XM Community
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Is there a way to tab down columns not across rows

  • 12 July 2019
  • 3 replies


I'm building a matrix table with text responses. I have 3 columns and 11 rows.

People need to fill in the 1st column, but may also need to fill in columns 2 & 3 depending on certain cell-specific criteria. Is there a way to change the tab function so instead of going across a row (ie Col 1 Row 1 -> Col 2 Row 1 -> Col 3 Row 1 -> Col 1 Row 2 etc) you can tab down a column (ie Col 1 Row 1 -> Col 1 Row 2 -> Col 1 Row 3 .... Col 2 Row 1 -> Col 2 Row 2 ... etc)

I can't transpose the table, although I am aware that that is an option.

Thanks for your help.


You can add tabindex attributes to your text input fields with JavaScript. The value of tabindex is the tab order (1, 2, 3, etc.).
Thanks TomG. Don't suppose you'd have an example I could work from? I'm definitely not a JavaScript wizard.

> @CDES said:

> Thanks TomG. Don't suppose you'd have an example I could work from? I'm definitely not a JavaScript wizard.

> :)

No, I would have to write it.

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