Is there any code or way I can use to get the participants' responses as drawing rather than text? | XM Community
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Hi Experts,

I know there is a signature feature in the types of questions that you may think about, but unfortunately, it doesn't help because it's very small, and I'm looking for something in the size of the whole page.

In short, I would like to know the participants' perceptions in a particular subject (through drawing, design .... such as dragging shapes square or circle on the stage... Etc.) So, again, my question is does there any code or way that I can use to get the answers as a visualization rather than text?

any help will be appreciated!
You can use sinature question with increase height and width of the box.
Thank you @bansalpeeyush29 for the suggestion, I've tried this before but still small, as I said I'm looking for something cover whole the page.

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