Issue Sharing Group Ids and Participant IDs between Qualtrics and Inquisit | XM Community
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Issue Sharing Group Ids and Participant IDs between Qualtrics and Inquisit

  • 17 July 2019
  • 0 replies

I am building a survey that needs to go from Qualtrics to an Inquisit Web task, but I am having issues with the "group ID" and "subject ID" transferring from Qualtrics to Inquisit. My experiment is made of 3 randomized conditions. First the subject is assigned for one of these conditions (images) on qualtrics and afterward, the same condition(image) has to appear on Inquisit. Therefore, I created 3 different blocks (one per condition), one branch (if that image, or the other, or the other) and one embedded data naming three groups id = piped text from the condition' question. At the end of the survey, I created an "end of survey" and add the customized URL link: (${e://Field/ResponseID}&groupid=piped texted one&piped texted 2&piped texted 3. The link when I copy and paste is working. However, when redirected from qualtrics to inquisit it appears a message saying "undefined". Do you have any idea what am I doing wrong? And could you also please inform if is it correct the way I did to prime the same condition of qualtrics on inquisit? Thank you in advance for your help!
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