Items in pick, group, and rank to remain in the list | XM Community
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Hi, I am using pick group and rank of list of indicators to be sorted into 3 groups. However, I want the items to be picked, sorted and ranked in all three groups. Is it possible?


Example: below I want participants to be able to pick 3 items and sort/rank them in each box which means item 1 can go into box 1 AND box 2 AND box 3 if they want. 

Currently, I have taken the longer route of just having 1 box and repeating the exercise with same lists 3 times. Just wanted to make it more efficient.

Thanks for any suggestions!



Have you considered that perhaps this question is more complicated than it needs to be?  Perhaps break this into 3 questions that are single-select:

  • Please select the most useful
  • Please select the most appropriate/meaningful
  • Please select the most feasible

If you want to rank on those attributes, again, I’d break it into 3 questions.

If I understand correctly, that you want respondents to drag multiple selections into each box, and then rank order within each box.  Then that is possible and should do this by default. Qualtrics guidance is if you don’t need the rank, just to ignore the given rank within the data set.  Refer to this page for more  Pick, Group, & Rank Question ( 


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