Javascript for changing Pick, group and Rank items | XM Community
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I've seen many examples where the text entry box can be modified using javascript -- 'QR~' + this.questionId; for example. But I have had no luck tracking down an example where the available items for a "Pick, group and rank" can be changed using javascript code. I have a question design where I need to change them during the course of answering the question. Any simple example code that can do this would be greatly appreciated!
A really good post about modifying Rank question with a two-dimensional javascript array. The post starts with carrying forward example, but later in the comments throws in an example of defaulting the values as well.
Thanks Rich! This is a good example of changing the items on page load using embedded data and piped text. Unfortunately, what I'm trying to do won't work if the action happens only when the question is loaded. So far, I haven't been able to use this method to change the items in a "Pick, group and rank" set within the question block. For example, I've seen examples where javascript can, within a single question block, change an input field again and again by pointing to the "this.questionId;" object. How would I go about doing this with items in a "Pick, group and rank" set instead of the input field?

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