Javascript for Disabled (Read Only) Drilldown field stopped working | XM Community
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I have been using the same code for several years on a drilldown question to make the first dropdown field read-only based on a previous question selection but it has recently stopped working.

So, for example, someone selects Art History on a previous dropdown question:

Then the drilldown later in the survey populates that value into the first field:

The population of the Department field has continued to work fine, however the following code has stopped working to disable the field so it cannot be changed:

(it can loop up to 3 times, which is why there is the loop code included):


    jQuery("#QR\\~1\\_QID14\\~1").attr("disabled", true);
    jQuery("#QR\\~2\\_QID14\\~1").attr("disabled", true);
    jQuery("#QR\\~3\\_QID14\\~1").attr("disabled", true);


This code no longer makes the first drilldown field disabled/read-only. When I look at surveys from 2022 it still works there--same code, nothing has changed with the survey structure. I just load a new file (using the same template) each term into the drilldown question and carry on. I’ve tried a multitude of different tweaks to this code to make that field disabled/read-only again but no luck. Any thoughts on what might have changed? Or what I can do?

Thanks in advance!

did you try prop instead of attr. Also please check the id of each dropdown.

    jQuery("#QR\\~1\\_QID14\\~1").prop("disabled", true);
    jQuery("#QR\\~2\\_QID14\\~1").prop("disabled", true);
    jQuery("#QR\\~3\\_QID14\\~1").prop("disabled", true);


did you try prop instead of attr. Also please check the id of each dropdown.

    jQuery("#QR\\~1\\_QID14\\~1").prop("disabled", true);
    jQuery("#QR\\~2\\_QID14\\~1").prop("disabled", true);
    jQuery("#QR\\~3\\_QID14\\~1").prop("disabled", true);


Thanks for responding! I have tried prop instead of attr with no luck. I’ve also checked the ID of the dropdown and it doesn’t appear to have changed:


did you try prop instead of attr. Also please check the id of each dropdown.

    jQuery("#QR\\~1\\_QID14\\~1").prop("disabled", true);
    jQuery("#QR\\~2\\_QID14\\~1").prop("disabled", true);
    jQuery("#QR\\~3\\_QID14\\~1").prop("disabled", true);


Thanks for responding! I have tried prop instead of attr with no luck. I’ve also checked the ID of the dropdown and it doesn’t appear to have changed:


which layout you are using? did you change it recently?



I’m guessing it is a timing issue.  Try putting your code in a setTimeout function.


I’m guessing it is a timing issue.  Try putting your code in a setTimeout function.

Thanks, TomG! I’m a beginner at jscript, can you tell me a little bit more about how I would do that?

setTimeout(function() {
jQuery("#QR\\~1\\_QID14\\~1").attr("disabled", true);
jQuery("#QR\\~2\\_QID14\\~1").attr("disabled", true);
jQuery("#QR\\~3\\_QID14\\~1").attr("disabled", true);

Where 2000 is in milliseconds (2 second delay). Adjust as needed.

setTimeout(function() {
jQuery("#QR\\~1\\_QID14\\~1").attr("disabled", true);
jQuery("#QR\\~2\\_QID14\\~1").attr("disabled", true);
jQuery("#QR\\~3\\_QID14\\~1").attr("disabled", true);

Where 2000 is in milliseconds (2 second delay). Adjust as needed.

Worked perfectly, thank you @TomG !

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