Javascript Integration: Help Needed | XM Community
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Hi people,

We had embedded the following javascript to embed a video and an emotion slider in our Qualtrics survey. Details of the javascript are below:

  1. Define various parameters, such as the URL of a video, its name, duration, time interval for sampling, and initialize vectors to store user input data
  2. Define a custom slider function (mySliderFunction) to create a graphical slider with a button that users can drag to provide input. The slider is visually represented on an HTML canvas using the Raphael library.
  3. Disable the next button on the survey page initially.
  4. Load a video element on the page with the specified video URL.

  5. Create an HTML canvas using Raphael and set up the endpoints of the slider.

  6. Initialize the slider on the canvas using the previously defined slider function.
  7. Play the video, set up a timer to capture user input at regular intervals. After a specified duration, stop the timer, save the captured data as embedded Qualtrics survey data,  display a message on the canvas, and enable the next button.

The javascript has suddenly stopped working, and we are wondering what the reason could be? Did any updates happen to Qualtrics in 2024 that might have led to this? Could someone help us examine our javascript (embedded below) for any potential errors?

Thanks for the help!


  /*Place Your Javascript Below This Line*/
  var URL_OF_VIDEO = '';
  var NAME_OF_VIDEO = 'samplemovie';
  var DURATION_OF_VIDEO_IN_MILLISECONDS = 148000 + 500; // in milliseconds. Note the 500 at the end is a buffer
  var TIME_INTERVAL_IN_MILLISECONDS = 500; // default: sample every 500 milliseconds
  var current_valence_vector = v];
  var current_time_vector = e];
  // disables the next button on the page
  var that = this;
  function mySliderFunction(paper, inputX, inputY, pathString, colour, pathWidth) {
    var addLabel = true; // boolean to change if you want the slider to be labeled with the current value.
    var slider = paper.set();
    slider.currentValue = 50; // setting the initial value of the slider
    slider.push(paper.path("M" + inputX + " " + inputY + pathString)).attr({stroke:colour,"stroke-width": pathWidth});
    slider.PathLength   = slider)0].getTotalLength();

    slider.PathPointOne = sliderb0].getPointAtLength(0); // left edge of slider
    slider.PathPointTwo = slider 0].getPointAtLength(slider.PathLength);  // right edge of slider; depends on the pathString that's input.
    slider.PathBox      = slidert0].getBBox();
    slider.PathBoxWidth = slider.PathBox.width;
    slider.push(, slider.PathPointOne.y, pathWidth/2).attr({fill:colour, "stroke-width": 0,"stroke-opacity": 0})); // left edge
    slider.push(, slider.PathPointTwo.y, pathWidth/2).attr({fill:colour, "stroke-width": 0,"stroke-opacity": 0})); // right edge

    /*Slider Button*/
    // creating the "back" of the slider button, sButtonBack
    //  x position,   y position,   radius of circle   )
    //  so the initial x position is in the center of the slider
    //  the .attr() call is to change the fill color, stroke width, and other graphical attributes
    slider.sButtonBack = + slider.PathLength/2, slider.PathPointOne.y, pathWidth);
    slider.sButtonBack.attr({fill: "#777","stroke-width": 1,"fill-opacity": 1, stroke: "#000", r:(15)});
    slider.push(slider.sButtonBack); // drawing sButtonBack on the canvas  

    if(addLabel) {
    // adding a text label to the slider handle (i.e. number from 0 to 100)
      sliderText=paper.text((slider.PathPointOne.x + slider.PathPointTwo.x)/2, slider.PathPointOne.y, slider.currentValue ).attr({fill:'#FFF', 'font-size':16, 'stroke-width':0 });
    // similarly creating the slider button itself.
    slider.sButton = + slider.PathLength/2, slider.PathPointOne.y, pathWidth);
    slider.sButton.attr({fill: "#777","stroke-width": 1,"fill-opacity": 0.1, stroke: "#000", r:(15)} );
    // We also want to add other attributes/functionality to the sButton
    var start = function () { this.ox = this.attr("cx"); },
    move = function (dx, dy) {
      proportionAlongLine = (this.ox + dx - inputX)/slider.PathBoxWidth;
      // reusing "PathPointOne" to store current point
      slider.PathPointOne = slider.0].getPointAtLength(proportionAlongLine * slider.PathLength);

      if (!slider.PathPointOne.x) { slider.PathPointOne.x=x1; }
      if (!slider.PathPointOne.y) { slider.PathPointOne.y=y1; }
      this.attr({cx: slider.PathPointOne.x, cy: slider.PathPointOne.y}); 
     slider.sButtonBack.attr({cx: slider.PathPointOne.x, cy: slider.PathPointOne.y});

     // just adding a check so that the "cx" doesnt go beyond the left edge.
     if (Math.round(((this.attr("cx")-slider.PathBox.x)/slider.PathBox.width)*100)) {
      } else {
      if(addLabel) { // adding an label to the slider handle
        sliderText.attr({text:slider.currentValue, x: slider.PathPointOne.x, y: slider.PathPointOne.y});
    up = function () {
    // assign the 'move', 'start', and 'up' functions to the slider button
    //   see raphael.js documentation for more details, but the inputs are:
    //   1) what to do when element is moved ("mouse move")
    //   2) what to do on the start of the element being dragged ("mouse start")
    //   3) what to do when the element is released ("mouse up")
    slider.sButton.drag(move, start, up);
    slider.push(slider.sButton); // draw sButton onto the canvas.
    return slider;

  // loading the video into the html element
  videoElement = document.getElementById("videoElement");
  videoElement.setAttribute("src", URL_OF_VIDEO);
  // creating the canvas onto which to paint the slider
  canvas = Raphael('happySliderDiv'); 

  LeftEdge = 200;
  RightEdge = 500;
  textYCoord = 40;
  // creating the end points of the slider
  canvas.text(LeftEdge, textYCoord, "Very Negative").attr({ "font-size": 24 });
  canvas.text(RightEdge, textYCoord, "Very Positive").attr({ "font-size": 24 });

  // creating the slider variable  
  mySlider = mySliderFunction(canvas, LeftEdge, 75, 'h300',"#AAAAAA", 15);

  // this function startTiming gets called when the start button is pressed.
  function startTiming() {;
    timeAtStart = new Date().getTime();
    // this is the sampling function, every TIME_INTERVAL_IN_MILLISECONDS milliseconds
    myInterval = setInterval(function() {
      timeNow = new Date().getTime() - timeAtStart;

    // this function waits for DURATION_OF_VIDEO_IN_MILLISECONDS milliseconds, then stops the sampling script and saves the data.
    setTimeout(function() {
      Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('movie1_name', NAME_OF_VIDEO);
      Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('movie1_valence_vector', current_valence_vector.toString()); // ADDED AUG 2021: convert vector to string
      Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.setEmbeddedData('movie1_time_vector', current_time_vector.toString()); // ADDED AUG 2021: convert vector to string
      canvas.text(350, 200, "Ok, you are done with this page.").attr({ "font-size": 24 });
      canvas.text(350, 240, "Please click the blue arrow to proceed!").attr({ "font-size": 24 });
      // enables the next button on the page

  goButton = canvas.rect(300,125,100,25,0).attr({fill: "#0f0"}); {

Additionally, here is the HTML code embedded on the survey:

<script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> 
<video height="432" id="videoElement" preload="" width="576"></video>

<div id="happySliderDiv" style="height:350px; width:100%">&nbsp;</div>


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