Javascript no longer allowed in HTML editor? Workaround?? | XM Community
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Recently Qualtrics apparently pushed a change such that questions will not save if Javascript is entered in the HTML Editor.

Background: for three weeks in October, we worked on implementing Javascript code within the HTML editor to embed a video recorder into the survey. We tried the same code within the Javascript editor, but the video recorder did not work when doing that (whereas it DOES work when entering Javascript into the HTML editor). So, we had been editing our Javascript code in the HTML editor.

This new change that Qualtrics has pushed prevents questions from saving when Javascript is entered in the HTML editor... this has invalidated our work, as we can no longer create new questions or edit existing ones using Javascript in the HTML editor.

My question: Is there a workaround for this? Or a way to give users permission to save Javascript within the HTML editor? Or could this change be rolled back, since not all Javascript works when entered in the Javascript editor?
We're having the same problem with some of our code. We have used Javascript in the HTML editor for pop-up text and print buttons, and adding this code to the Javascript editor isn't working at all. I'd really like to see Qualtrics roll this back, since we've lost some functionality that we've used for years with this change.
Hi team - if you are experiencing this, please reach out to the Qualtrics Support team so they may properly file this with the engineering team!
thanks LaurenK... I've contacted support both via phone and email who basically told me this isn't likely be to changed soon and to come here to find a workaround. If you could help pass along to engineering team, that would be greatly appreciated
Your best bet is probably to ask for help specific to a piece of code that isn't working when applied in the current way Qualtrics supports, IMHO.
Hi @LHickman

You can add JS code in Header of the page.

Also You can target specific question with JS code option in each question.

Also you won't be able to copy the code as is from questions (Most of the time), it will require some tweaking to make it work here.
I've also run into an issue with this.

Most of our third party providers have html snippets for embedding their services, now we can't use them in questions.
@LHickman @JEK have messaged you the workaround I've found for this.
Oh, this is not good... We were planning to start some development for this.

@Rohan_I can you PM this to me as well?
There was a recent fix. I was having trouble with my html code for a print button and it works now. Maybe try now?
Hi all,

I am just commenting to here to track any progress - can anyone else confirm that it is working now?



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