Javascript suddenly throws error after working yesterday | XM Community
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Hi friends. I'm using custom javascript to bypass the row limit of drill down questions. It was working yesterday but is suddenly not. Is anyone aware of any changes to the platform that could cause this? I haven't made any changes to these questions since it was working yesterday and I'm just at my wits end and out of my element.

Here's the error I'm seeing:


I've also attached the javascript we're using. If anyone has any suggestions for how to do this more efficiently, we'd love them, but in the meantime I'm just trying to get my survey working again. The script feeds a text entry question and changes them to drop downs allowing people to select from the first column which filters the second which filters the third. The script appears to be failing to load entirely.

Thanks for your help!
Have you quit and restarted your browser? Have had similar problems and that usually fixes it. Try using a private browsing window too, that clears the cache better.
Thanks @WaterSampler. I tried that and had no luck, unfortunately. I've also re-uploaded our files to see if that works.

For added context, the error I'm getting appears to be related to the webpackjsonp that Qualtrics is loading. I'm thinking that maybe something was changed in the platform itself about the libraries or JS capabilities that are available. Like I said, I'm pretty far out of my element at this point so what I'm looking at may not actually have any bearing on it at all, but I figured I'd raise it in case it's helpful.

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